EXPOSITION PANAFRICAINE - OFF 2022 - Biennale de l’art contemporain africain de Dakar
jeu. 19 mai
In the OFF program of the Dakar 2022 African Contemporary Art Biennial, the gallery "Les Arts du Soleil Dakar" is pleased to present the exhibition "Artistic Connection" from 19 May to 21 June 2022. Inspiration: "creative breath that inspires artists, researchers."
Heure et lieu
19 mai 2022, 16:00 – 21 mai 2022, 20:00
Dakar, Rte de l'Aeroport, Dakar, Senegal
À propos de l'événement
Dans le programme OFF de la Biennale de l’art contemporain africain de Dakar 2022, la galerie « Les Arts du Soleil Dakar » a le plaisir de presenter l’exposition « connexion artistique » du 19 Mai au 21 Juin 2022.
Inspiration : « souffle créateur qui anime les artistes, les chercheurs ». Ce trésor que les artistes partagent volontiers avec le public. D’où leur provient- il?
Les rencontres et les ateliers autour desquels ils se retrouvent créent des connexions et enrichissent leur créativité avec comme résultat, la production d’œuvres de qualité esthétique et de messages pertinents qui invitent à la réflexion. Nous vous invitons à venir vous connecter à l’univers de nos artistes.
In the OFF programme of the 2022 Dakar Biennale Contemporary African Art , "Les Arts du Soleil" gallery is pleased to present the exhibition " artistic connection" from May 19 to June 21, 2022.
Inspiration : "the creative breath that animates artists, researchers". That treasure which artists love to share with the public. Where does it come from ?
The gatherings and workshops during which they meet, create connections and enrich their creativity that has as a result, the production of aesthetic quality works and relevant messages that are an invitation to reflection. We invite you to come and connect to the universe of our artists.
Les Arts du Soleil Dakar
Yoff route de l’aéroport
Villa n 163
+221 33 820 97 36
+221 77 584 45 45
In the OFF program of the Dakar 2022 African Contemporary Art Biennial, the gallery "Les Arts du Soleil Dakar" is pleased to present the exhibition "Artistic Connection" from 19 May to 21 June 2022.Inspiration: "creative breath that inspires artists, researchers." A treasure that artists willingly share with the public. Where did they get it from?The meetings and workshops around which they find themselves create connections and enrich their creativity with, as a result, the production of works of aesthetic quality and relevant messages that invite thought. We invite you to come and connect with the universe of our artists.In the OFF programme of the 2022 Dakar Biennale Contemporary African Art , "Les Arts du Soleil" gallery is pleased to present the exhibition " artistic connection" from May 19 to June 21, 2022.Inspiration : "the creative breath that animates artists, researchers". That treasure which artists love to share with the public. Where does it come from ?The gatherings and workshops during which they meet, create connections and enrich their creativity that has as a result, the production of aesthetic quality works and relevant messages that are an invitation to reflection. We invite you to come and connect to the universe of our artists.The Dakar Sun ArtsYoff the road to the airportVilla n 163+221 33 820 97 36+221 77 584 45 45dakar@lesartsdusoleil.com www.instagram.com/lesartsdusoleil www.lesartsdusoleil.com www.artsy.net/partner/les-arts-du-soleil